I'm sorry if I'm a little slow to get back to you right now; but I'm out of town with the kids. My parents and I decided to take the kids to NYC for a bit and we are doing the tourist thing. My poor husband is stuck at home working, so I have been sure to take lots of pictures. One thing that I have thought about on this trip is how important it is to make sure that you capture your kids being themselves! It is great to have smiley (often posed) pictures; but it is also important to have pictures of your kids doing their day to day things as well as the special fun things - like vacation. In that mindset, here are three pictures I have pulled up from our time around the city - one daughter at the New York Public Library, reading to some stuffed animals; my other daughter wearing her favorite new thing and my son's latest fashion statement. These are all moments and things that I want to be sure to remember for years to come. And I want to remind all of you to pick up your cameras and capture some moments; let the kids do their own thing and you snap away!

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